How it works
Our methodology works because:
We score impact, not input.
It is simple and in real-time.
There is nowhere to hide.
Our customers get an organisational-wide, single metric that tells them their 'Right-to-Win'
Here is how we do it:
We aim high
Our process focuses on maximising your ‘right to win’ of bedrock deals.
Bedrock deals are opportunities that make a significant difference to your client’s business, and your own.
We measure four qualities - and only four.
Credibility - Are you relevant?
Capability - Can you prove it?
Commitment - Are you delivering?
Control - Are you leading?
We build momentum
Momentum is built with multipliers:
Knowledge x Trust
Competence x Quantum
Satisfaction x Outcome
Influence x Mastery
Each interaction changes the score.
We maximise impact
Your Right-To-Win score tells you exactly what you need to do. There is no guess-work.
Your team will leverage research, references, interactions, delivery and leadership to create sales with purpose.
Looking for the detail? Download the Power Plan Extract from CEO-Led Sales.