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How it works

Our methodology works because: 


 We score impact, not input.

It is simple and in real-time.

There is nowhere to hide.


Our customers get an organisational-wide, single metric that tells them their 'Right-to-Win'


Here is how we do it:

Check out our 3-minute summary of our recent Webinar. 

Watch our full webinar and access our introductory offer for our premium Engagement Excellence Workshop!

Architecture Illustration


We aim high

Our process focuses on maximising your ‘right to win’  of bedrock deals.

Bedrock deals are opportunities that make a significant difference to your client’s business, and your own.


We measure four qualities - and only four.

Credibility - Are you relevant?

Capability - Can you prove it?

Commitment - Are you delivering?

Control - Are you leading?

Teacher Writing a Formula on a Blackboard


We build momentum

Momentum is built with multipliers:


Knowledge x Trust


Competence x Quantum


Satisfaction x Outcome


Influence x Mastery


Each interaction changes the score.


We maximise impact 

Your Right-To-Win score tells you exactly what you need to do. There is no guess-work.

Your team will leverage research, references, interactions, delivery and leadership to create sales with purpose.

Stang-up Meeting

Looking for the detail? Download the Power Plan Extract from CEO-Led Sales.

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